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  • ksmarekk

Man vs. God

It's a never ending battle that each one of us has to face on our spiritual journey. To better understand it we have to look at Jesus Christ on His way to Golgotha. Here is God who became a man going through suffering that is beyond our imagination. Here is God who accepts our human sin and humbles Himself to save us from our pride.

We have to look now from the other side of our modern world. Here is a man that believes in being a god and rejects everything that was given to him from his creator. Here is a man that prefers to kill God and live without him. His own pride makes him blind and he makes decisions to harm himself.

This spiritual battle takes place in front of us, but also in our own soul. We are afraid to admit it, but each one of us is a part of it. It is our sin that made God suffer. It is our sin that "pushed" God to sacrifice His own Son.

Lent shows us this difficult truth. Our own decisions and choices caused Jesus Christ to die on the Cross. This message has two elements and both of them are equally important. The first tells us that only by repentance can we receive the fruits of the Crucifixion. The second tells us that God in His love and mercy wants to make us free from our sin and give us new life in Himself. This is the biggest contradiction we are facing on our way to Christ. We have to die with Christ to be alive. This truth is very much rejected by this world. Our spiritual battle sooner or later will bring us to the point where we will have to walk through it. Do not be afraid to admit your own sins and look for this mercy.

Today you have to ask yourself whom would you prefer to follow: man or God.

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