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  • ksmarekk

Me vs.You

Probably everyone has noticed that recently people take everything personally. You talk about something and they think that you are talking about them. And of course you do talk about them because you don't like them, so actually you try to attack them and make them miserable. So they have to do something in retaliation, otherwise they will lose.

This system is going worldwide. It is even present in the Church. There are so many church communities divided because somebody said something and now nobody remembers what it was but they are fighting. People will go to different Masses so as not to see their "enemies." It is very unfortunate because probably in 99.9% of those cases those conflicts started from nothing.

So, how had it happened that we are not able to keep to ourselves? For years we were taught by movies, songs, and many other sources that the entire world is divided between me and them. Me means my interest, goodnesses, pleasure, desire, feelings. Them means a potential obstacle to everything that I want. The other person is to be used for my purpose. We go together to school, to college, to work, but this "together" is only a place where I have a chance to be better than others by using them. (Remember that there are always exceptions). We can see this especially in games when high school or college players are fighting to get a scholarship or be drafted by the best team.

Many years ago when I was still living in the UK I read an article about the way teen soccer players were fighting between themselves to get to another level of the team. So from the very beginning they look at other team players as potential enemies that can take their place in a dream soccer club.

In the case of Church this is even more complicated, especially if a group or a ministry removes itself from a Christ-centered position to a self-sufficient club where people glorify each other based on their own pleasing. Because in spiritual life you cannot cheat your spirit, a conflict will arise. The conscience says that you are wrong, but the public awareness says you cannot show it to others. So a wrongdoing is growing and causing a spiritual disturbance. As a result you will start to think that others can see your faults and the only way to win over it is to attack them. This is a triumph of Satan. He put you where he wanted you to be -- in a conflict.

This lie --me vs. you is now so strong that anything we do not like, we turn it immediately into a reason to blame others. I did wrong because of somebody else. Fortunately the Gospel teaches us something different. There is no me vs. you. We are all one. If you think that people talk about you ask yourself first: why would they talk about you. Maybe it is not them but it is your conscience that gives you warnings that there is something to be changed.

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