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  • ksmarekk

My Dear Deer

Nature is so beautiful and well organized. Every single moment has its own purpose and nothing is without a reason. For the last few weeks I have been watching my visitors - a few deer coming every other day. There are some adults and four babies. I like to watch the mama deer teaching her children that it is time to eat the grass and there is no more milk for them. She is very consistent and never gives up. It might look cruel to us when she kicks her children but she is very careful with them. A good mama deer prepares her children for their adult life.

I am looking at our societies and I have the impression that we've lost a very important part of the natural truth of life. Being so proud of our knowledge, we think that we can override nature. Mama deer knows that she has to prepare her children for real life otherwise they will die in the first winter. We people have trouble accepting the seriousness of life and very often we disable our children by making them believe in an unrealistic world.

Why do people of our time have a problem bringing the next generation into the reality of existence? It is actually a little bit funny. Our society makes man more as a woman and a woman more like a man. Children want to live like adults and adults want to live like children. It seems that everybody wants to be someone else. Have we lost our own identity?

Nature has it own wisdom. A deer will never try to be a bear and vice versa. Every single creature follows all the rules prepared for nature. It is only mankind that wants to flip upside down all nature hoping for wonderful results. Unfortunately it is not going to work. I wish that all people would enjoy who they are in their own time. Children being children, adults being adults, men being men and women being women. There will always be a few exceptions, but they are not the rule for everything.

Mama deer kicked her children away from her breasts because her children have to eat grass and grow in strength. The truth of nature makes us strong and wise. It is worthy sometimes to see it. My dear deer are good teachers about the truth of nature.

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