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  • ksmarekk

Need for Power

If we look back in history, we definitely will find that most conflicts, wars, crimes were done because of a need for power. Even now all social tensions are based on the same problem. It happens on the level of a country, of a state, even in the parish. There is always someone who would like to run over others executing some kind of power. Very often it is done without realizing it. For the last few days I had time to reflect upon it.

Why do we need power? To answer this question we have to look from a different perspective and ask a different question. Who is the most difficult to control? The answer is: myself.

We are only truly free when we can control ourselves. To have power over myself means to be able to see the truth about myself. This can be achieved only one way, by denying myself. I have to “hate” myself to be really free. This power over myself leads me to freedom in the perfection of God. And here is the problem. If I am not free in God then I will try to use my power in a corrupted way. I will use it against others. My lack of internal freedom will try to take away the freedom of others too. There is a reason why Jesus Christ said that He came to serve. God gave up his power to make us free in himself.

This is the biggest challenge that everyone has to deal with. The more corrupted a life we have then the more power we try to use against others. I have met so many people that always tried to impose their will on others. They did it in the name of goodness, help, common interest. Unfortunately this was only an excuse to use their power and to control the lives of others.

There is a way to avoid this mistake. It requires being humble. Humility is the only way to avoid any temptation related to power. Humility opens our ears and allows us to hear truth. It shows us how to master ourselves and control our own weaknesses. I hope that this entire time of COVID helps all of us to learn to be meek and humble.

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