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  • ksmarekk

New face of Satan

Watching any news I feel like I am an idiot. I receive about 2 minutes of news with 30 minutes of comments and opinions telling me how I should think and what I should do. I have no problem with different opinions. I have a problem with telling me that if I think differently than main stream media I am just stupid. It is harder and harder to find just news. Maybe it is a sign of our times. Many people do not want to think, they prefer to be told what to think and just follow a pattern created for them. Unfortunately I do not like it.

In ancient Greek and Rome there was a special teacher called "Paidagogos". He was a slave but very respected. This person was very valuable, with a lot of privileges and special social status. His duty was to teach the children of his owner. But to teach didn't mean to please them, rather to bring them up in strong character, deep knowledge, and healthy critical thinking. When the children were adults, paidagogos usually stayed with his owner for the rest of his life and was treated as a member of the family. He didn't teach what to think but how to think.

Unfortunately this old fashioned approach in education is a long time gone and the skills of how to think seems to be gone too. Maybe this is the reason why all media are telling us what to think.

The Book of Wisdom (13:1) says: "Yes, naturally stupid are all who are unaware of God, and who, from good things seen, have not been able to discover Him-who-is, or, by studying the works, have not recognized the Artificer." God gives us our mind to help us find him. He encourages us to use it for finding the truth about the entire creation. It is Satan that tries to reduce our natural skills and tell us that we are wrong.

I think more and more the media are the new faces of Satan. They do not care about truth, honesty or respect. They need the rates of being watched so they created a monster of opinions telling everybody what to think. Black is white, white is black, Black life matters but then the biggest number of abortions in NYC was done on black women. We have to take care of elders that they will not get COVID but then we promote euthanasia. We have to wear masks and keep distance but then we can go and protest and be squeezed on the streets.

By the way we should call Holy Mass a protest and then everybody will be able to come. This is the modern face of Satan. He does everything to bring confusion and division. The honest truth would be: every life matters from natural conception until natural death, we take care of elders because they deserve care for everything they have done for us. We have to be responsible for our actions and carry the consequences of our decisions. If we are aware of God's existence then we are aware about everything else because truth shows us the way to live.

So maybe I am not an idiot. I can still see God present in this world, even if the media has a different opinion.

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