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  • ksmarekk

New freedom is coming

This is a sarcastic expression. New freedom is coming where following the law is not up to you. Somebody else will decide if you follow the law.

I remember times when the written law wasn't to serve you but to serve those who were against you. If you ask Polish families that lost their loved ones they will tell you more about it. Unfortunately it is coming over here. Gorge Orwell was right. It is not up to you to decide how much 2+2 is. The party will tell you. You only have to be obedient and follow all orders. I always wonder how much our young generation really understands that one day communism will not need them anymore and that day they will become victims of their decisions.

We will see a new freedom in Church too. It is probably a matter of a few years before all freedom of the Church will be taken away. You will be able to talk about God but only inside your room, or in a place of worship but not in a public place.

There is an old short poem in Poland written 200 years ago. It is called "Birds in a cage." The story is about two birds in a cage, one is old and one is young. The young one is jumping around the cage, playing games, singing, enjoying life. The old one is sitting crying. So the young bird asks: why are you crying, you have everything here and it is much better than outside. But the old bird said: you were born in a cage so I forgive you, but I was free and now I am in cage and that is why I cry.

Today there is the third bird that used to be in a cage and did everything to destroy this cage. This bird sees how the young birds in freedom very freely go to the cage because it seems to them to be less work. The problem is that if you get into the cage, there is no way out.

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