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  • ksmarekk

O happy day!!!!!!!!

I am so happy today. I even do not know how to express my joy. A catholic woman, I will say it again, a catholic woman was nominated to be a member of the Supreme Court. "Thus says the LORD: You say, "The LORD's way is not fair!" Hear now, house of Israel: Is it my way that is unfair, or rather, are not your ways unfair?"

There is no better way for all of us than the one prepared by God. It is a way of blessings, of spiritual growth, of life, of respect. It is a way that leads to the One that created us. Jesus is our way, our life, our truth.

For a moment I watched the Prayer March 2020 in Washington DC. - 50 thousands people praying for the country. It was impressive to see how many people can be united to bring this nation back to God. I think the wind of change is coming. I believe that tears of the unborn are the most powerful prayer that is changing the face of America. God does not ignore their cry.

Amy Coney Barrett will have to face a lot of obstacles. She will have to deal with a lot of stress before she will sit on a chair as a supreme court judge. We have to pray for her, for her family. We still have to pray for this country. One nation under God.

God bless America.

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