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  • ksmarekk

Pikes Peak in Smoke.

It is the second day I can see Pikes Peak once again. For over a week the entire summit was covered with smoke. I knew that it was there but the heavy smoke didn't allow me to see it. It was a little bit metaphysical. It reminded me of our relationship with God. When we live in the grace of God, He is so visible to us and we find joy and happiness. When sin comes between Him and us then we cannot see God clearly anymore and even if we know that He is there, we cannot enjoy his presence. Actually this separation brings sadness and spiritual emptiness. The only way to restore our original beauty is to reject sin and be cleansed by God's grace.

I think our last few decades have been in this very thick smoke of sin. Many people know that somewhere there is God. They have seen Him once but they've forgotten how wonderful it is to be with him. The daily smoke of our own business, earthly desires, lack of modesty, convenience and other things took over the beautiful view of God. Maybe one day they will open their eyes and will understand that they have to remove this smoke from their life. Of course there is only one big problem. What if more and more people have never seen God and they don't even realize that He is there waiting for them?

Today I am lucky to see Pikes Peak again. But I am even more happy because when I wake up every day I can see the Cross of Jesus Christ, the sign of hope. This is an amazing experience that shows me that through the Cross - sign of death - we go to life. It helps to see the real goals in our lives.

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