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  • ksmarekk

Political Bullies Continue

If you believe that political correctness forced by others is over, you couldn't be more wrong. Actually I believe it is going to escalate more. With a liberal government it will become officially accepted and promoted. Just a few minutes ago, I read that Mike Lindell, MyPillow CEO, is under attack. Big stores like Kohl's, Bed Bath and Beyond, and Kroger's have dropped him because he dared to speak out. Today it's him, tomorrow it could be you or some of your relatives.

It is amazing that those people promoting diversity in our society cannot accept the views of other people. Apparently diversity is only reserved for their side, not for us. Maybe it is time for them to take their own medicine. Maybe it is time to drop Kohl's, Bed Bath and Beyond, Kroger's and any others who promote censorship. Sometimes we have to give a clear statement that we do not agree with things going on in this world. If we won't do it now, then in a few years we will not have any voice left. It is probably just a matter of time, before the Catholic Church will become "an extremist organization" that has to be under the government's control. Why? Because we promote life, healthy families, a man and a woman, justice for all (not just for the politically correct) etc. There are already countries where priests and the faithful are persecuted for saying the truth-- for example Canada, Norway, and China.

Anyway, being a Catholic doesn't mean to be naïve. Our faith is very real and very much rooted in the reality of this world and the world to come. Our Savior, Jesus Christ told us to be faithful to him.

I encourage you to watch "For Greater Glory." Watch it with your friends and families and learn how much you have to pay for freedom of religion if you let lefties take over. Mexico, Spain, France - during the revolution, Soviet Union, and many more are examples that we have to learn from. All those words about diversity, tolerance, acceptance, social justice, etc, are only empty words and they never will apply to you and me because they are owned by the extremist left. We have to understand that the nation that kills unborn children with no problem, will not have any problem killing you too - not by bullets, but by eliminating you from society, by pointing you out, by ridiculing you.

Today they eliminate Mike Lindell, tomorrow it will be someone else, but one day it will be me and you. So do not be quiet. Speak up when you can, pray to God for strength and wisdom. E pluribus unum - of many one.

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