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  • ksmarekk

Post-Modernistic Church

It is not the first time the Catholic Church is facing a modernistic approach. We just have to look back at the time of Pope Pius X. He was already criticizing Catholic modernism. Today we are dealing with the same problem. For the last few decades modernism has slowly moved into the mentality of many Catholics. It replaced the Ten Commandments with the social human made rules of fools charity. Sacraments were replaced with self-salvation acts of tolerance based kindness. Vice and virtue were replaced by psychology and the justification of being forced by others.

The time of Lent helps us to see these steps taken by Satan. He convinced so many many people in the Catholic Church to follow not what Jesus Chris said, but what think or wish He said. He did even more. He made Jesus Christ less worthy than any other person. Today it is no longer about God, as men have made themselves gods. If I do not like what God said I can reject him and decide by myself what is good and evil. This post-modernism is so deep in our society that many people do not even see the problem.

This Sunday, our first reading recalls again the Commandments of God. God gave them to us and asked us to make an imprint of them in our heart. It would be great if you could recite them right now. Do you remember them? It was post-modernism in the Church that through all of your Religious Education never taught children the 10 Commandments. Instead it replaced them with games and funny songs about nothing. This Lent we want to reject the fruits of post-modernism. We want to return to the basics of our faith and to build on them the real Church that leads all of us to our Lord Jesus Christ. There is no other way to our God except through Him.

So, I have homework for you. Take a piece of paper and divide it in half. On one side write what you know about Christ, what He told about Himself. On the other half write what you created about him under the influence of post-modernism. This is a simple way to remove all lies about God and finally get to know Him as He is.

If you choose to do this Lenten exercise, let me know in the comments what it meant for you.

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