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  • ksmarekk


This is a wonderful pro-life speech.

I haven't heard something like that for a long time. It should be shown to all of our teenagers that are told about everything else but respect and dignity of human life. As a young priest teaching at a high school, I had a last class with the oldest students about abortion. Of course the young people had all the "pros" of accepting abortion until the moment when I showed them the movie, "A Silent Scream". The most antagonistic students left the class speechless.

It is easy to talk about something that we do not have to face. My students had to face the truth and I hope this truth helped them to make good decisions for themselves. A nation that doesn't protect the most vulnerable has lost its own humanity. The unborn babies cannot defend themselves but we can defend them. Proposition 115, which will be on the ballot this November, can stop late term abortion. It is not the end of the battle but it is a small step to end abortion in Colorado. Until the last unborn child is safe we cannot stop speaking up.

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