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  • ksmarekk

Reproductive Health

For some years now I've heard about "reproductive health." Of course I know what is behind it. But the problem is not with semantics. If I would say "killing of unborn children" everyone would be against it (at least more people than now). To avoid this problem let's give abortion a different name: reproductive health. And here is the absurd situation.

If the killing of the unborn is a matter of health then can I say that if somebody causes my headache, stress and other health issues I can use health as an excuse to eliminate that person? I know it is an extreme example, but killing unborn babies is nothing else than removing a personal problem in the name of convenience. I can say more. Hitler wanted to kill many ethnic groups in Europe to keep the Aryans pure in their genes. He could claim that it was a health purpose - he committed genocide.

Apparently, our White House is proudly doing similar things. I wonder why we do not stop pornography, why we do not build a strong understanding of being responsible, why we do not tell people to control themselves, why we do not help to build strong families? If we did these things we would not need an abortion because - I believe everybody had biology at school - people are not plants and they don't get pregnant by blowing wind with pollen. There is an act that requires responsibility from both: man and woman.

So abortion is not an act of health but it is an act of killing that comes out of the selfishness of people. Unfortunately, there are two victims: a baby and a woman. I will say more. After an abortion a woman is not any healthier, but rather suffering. We need to teach boys and men to have a healthy understanding of their own sexuality.

So here is a lesson to all men: shut down the porn website, pull yourself together and start acting in a responsible way, stop crying and be pitying yourself, put your pants on, work hard and act as a man. 21st century castrated men turning themselves into half woman, and now we have a problem. I know that I am brutal in this post, but we really have to help our new generation to understand that abortion is not procreative health and chastity actually builds healthy sexuality.

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