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  • ksmarekk

Satan in the White House

Updated: Jan 28, 2021

If this article above is true, then we are witnessing the most horrible decision. The voices of the unborn will not be left unheard. This is outrageous and coming from the deepest immoral desire. I will say more and it will hurt, but this last election we made a decision about the most holy gift offered to each one of us - human life.

I just want to remind everyone that each one of us will have to answer to God for who we voted to represent us and what priorities we want promoted. If we will be quiet then who is going to defend our children? What will be next? We will kill our sick, old, mentally ill, depressed. And everything will happened in the name of human rights and fake mercy.

First of all our president shouldn't call himself a catholic. The commandment "You shall not kill" is still part of the 10 Commandments and every catholic has an obligation to follow it, unless somebody places himself or herself as an equal to God. But there was one before who did this and his name is Satan. We cannot serve two masters. We serve God or we serve Satan. There is no gray area in between.

But I am afraid that there is something else going on and the White House knows that the topic of abortion will be loud enough to cover another tricky law. Satan is always playing with us.

It is just one week and we already have something new coming up - transgender rights. Probably pretty soon my dear parents you will lose the right to be parents and decide what is the best for your children. Probably pretty soon we will be limited with what we can say in our churches from the ambo. Yes, the White House will become the new god. It will take new commandments, new values, new facts. And it will happen because they serve another lord, the prince of darkness.

But do not worry too much. Satan will never win over the Church. This world will hate us because it hated Jesus Christ first. Let us rejoice if we can testify to the truth. "So if anyone declares himself for me in the presence of human beings, I will declare myself for him in the presence of my Father in heaven." (Mt 10:32)

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