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  • ksmarekk

Satan's Laughter

From the very beginning humans have been the most naive creatures that very easily believe in any good side of evil and have a hard time accepting the truth of good. I've known about it since I was a child. I learned during religious education classes that in the Old Testament God had to punish people often because they did so much evil. There was another truth that I learned: never compromise with the devil. And the latter one helped me in life so many times. It saved me from problems that some of my friends had to face because they thought that they could play with the devil.

Satan always tries to convince us that he is friendly and he wants only a small piece of us. When I look back now I can see how he slowly was taking over our society, families, and single people. His first lie said that you have to trust your feelings. Your feelings will direct you to the best that can happen to you. The day we accepted that is the same day he began laughing out loud. He got you.

The very unstable and unreliable element of your life became your driving power. You would not walk on a bridge that was built based just on the feeling of the contractor and not following the rules of physics. But at the same time many people base their entire lives on unstable feelings slowly accepting false promises, false premises and false ideas. When psychologists and psychiatrists in 1971 removed being gay from the list of psychological distortions, nobody even thought that they ever would be able to be married. When gay marriage was accepted nobody talked about adoption. When gay adoption was accepted nobody mentioned about accepting the sexual rights of children. Now children are encouraged to experiment with their sexuality. What is the next step? I guess a few years from now we will not have criminalized pedophiles any more, because they have needs and we have to accept them.

I know that I've simplified this process very much. Being a gay person is not a sin, but acting upon it is. I used this example to show you that our present social confusion didn't come from nowhere. It came because so many people even in the Church accepted the small steps taken by Satan and at the same time believed that they would be able to win with him.

Today Satan is laughing. He knows that he got so many people on his side believing in his great ideas that make people free. He is laughing because people blinded by their pride do not see truth anymore.

There is a reason why Jesus Christ said: "But when the Son of man comes, will he find any faith on earth?" (Lk 18:8b)

At the end I would like to invite you to watch this video. It will give you quite a lot to think about.

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