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  • ksmarekk

Should We Be Surprised?

I believe everyone has heard at least once that ignorance is bliss because if you do not know you do not have to worry. I would say that ignorance is blind and only fools rely on it.

I am discovering that the more and more people try to ignore what is happening around them, the more they do not want to get involved. It is not just about politics, but also what is happening in the Church, different forms of culture, etc. It is almost like "if it doesn't happen to me I do not have to worry about it." Unfortunately, ignorance is not an excuse and at the end everyone will have to pay a price for ignoring the reality. The crisis on the southern boarder is getting worse, but nobody talks about it any more. People are encouraged not to work because social help will take care of them. Children have to learn political ideology, but they do not know basic general knowledge unless their parents help them. Many people do not read the Bible, but they know exactly what God said.

Ignorance is probably one of the biggest sins of our time. It is sad to see how older generations involved in many things are replaced by the generation that only think about themselves. Should we be surprised?

I don't think so. I've noticed over the last 40 years - that what I can remember - we were taught at school, from watching movies, listening to songs and even in some homes, that what really matters is what we want and what we feel about the world. This very touchy feely approach created a new concept of life. My feelings are the only truth in this world. Unfortunately, my feelings are not the same like yours or any other person and because of that we talk less, interact less and at the end we are polite but everybody is a potential enemy so naively we trust others without a real trust. And here comes ignorance. If I do not get what I want, then you do not matter to me because you have nothing I can use.

And here we are in a society that ignores many things. We do not know history because there is no money coming from it, we do not read classical literature because it is not giving us any profit. We forgot old proverbs because they are make us uncomfortable. Because of our ignorance we became shepherds for ourselves. This flock cannot last because the student cannot be better than the master is.

I encourage you to reject any form of ignorance. Let's learn from the past and avoid mistakes in the future. Let's read the Bible to get to know what God said and stop creating lies that come from our mistakes. Ignorance is not a blessing. It is a curse.

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