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  • ksmarekk


I don't know about your experience at school, but I had wonderful teachers in my High School. Of course it was a very different place and different time but there was something about them that encouraged us to move forward with our life even in the time of communism. In ancient Greek a teacher (paidagogos - leading a child), very often a slave, was responsible for the education of the child in a rich family. His job wasn't only to give education but it was more about creating a person with knowledge, proper behavior, understanding of culture etc. Generally speaking, paidagogos had to prepare a child for the responsibilities of life. I was lucky; I had teachers like that.

It shocked me today when I saw a teacher shouting and cursing other people.

I know that she cannot be used as an example of all teachers in the USA, but it is sad that this kind of person is preparing children to be adults. You know the same as I know that we can find this kind of person everywhere, but it doesn't mean that it is acceptable to behave this way. Maybe it is necessary to remind ourselves that any person responsible for any lever of education doesn't have to be politically correct, but has to be en example of good behavior, personal culture, richness of spirit. Teachers, priests, doctors, layers, law enforcement have a special responsibility. They have to show their personal integrity with a respect for others. Each person working in any of those callings cannot be just a worker. Each of this group is a type of life, a vocation, a leader to something bigger and higher than just an existence.

Today I would like to say a big "thanks" to all the teachers that I had. Some of them are already gone. They worked hard to make us great people but their work brought amazing fruits. In my humanistic profile in High School we had 35 students. 34 of us have masters degree, a few of us have two masters degree, a few have a doctorate degree, almost 80% from my class are teachers, two of us are priests. I had great teachers and I wish everybody could experience school as a place of spiritual and intellectual growth.

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