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  • ksmarekk

The Meaning of Journey

Every so often I use the expression “a spiritual journey.” It is time to explain what it means. Our life begins when we are conceived. It takes all nine months to grow in our mother’s womb before we can come to the world outside. The day of our birth is the day of being on our own. For two decades our parents will take care of us, but the older we get the more responsibility is on us. As we grow biologically, we also grow spiritually. From the day of our birth until our death every second of our life is a spiritual growth. I am always happy to see pregnant mothers coming to the church and praying. Their child is already growing in their relationship with God. And the small children are coming with their parents for the Mass and even though they have no clue what is going on, their soul is already in the presence of God and is nourished with His Grace. This spiritual journey has many different levels between our prayer life and unity with God.

Lent helps us to see this more clearly. By the spiritual and corporal works of mercy, by prayer, fasting and almsgiving, by participating in the Stations of the Cross and Holy Mass we make our steps towards God and with God. This journey is challenging, but at the same time, liberating.

Through our spiritual work, the soul is getting stronger in the same way as the tree growing, buffeted by the wind, is strong and stands against any storm. The stronger we are, the more faithful we are.

If you ever have been in the old forest and by old I mean 100 or maybe 150 years old, you will notice that all the old trees are majestic but not because they are slim and perfect, but because they are strong, with big branches that very often are turning around. Our spirit is built the same way. By the experiences and challenges it is like an old tree with very strong roots, that doesn't look the most beautiful but has a strength to give rest to many different birds and creature.

May this Lent make your soul strong.

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