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The Old Church, the Modern Church

We can get very exited when we watch TV or listen to the radio, when we got a new car or are planning our vacations. But can we get exited when somebody gives us the Word of God? the Bible? Here is a link to something what should give us some thoughts.

When I watched this video I asked myself one question. What did happen to us that we do not find excitement and joy holding the Holy Bible in our hands? Why the most important written words are so foreign to us and to our culture? What is a difference between the Old Church and the New Church?

Let's take a look at the Acts of the Apostles. The Church just newly born looks at the world as a place of growing on holiness. The Modern Church of the Western World tries to become like the world. The Old Church is a light for the world. The modern Church follows the light of the world. The Apostles went to proclaim the Gospel, the living Word in their lives. The modern pseudo-leaders know everything about the lost world but they do not know and they do not live by the Gospel. The modern Church sees Christ as a socialist, communist, social justice fighter or any other ideologist of our modern agenda. (By the grace of God we have a lot of bishops and leaders who are able to bring to us the truth of Christ). The Old Church knew that the truth is only in God and that Jesus Christ is the only savior. This few things were enough to convinced early Church to follow Christ faithfully in every part of her life.

The young Chinese Christians are in tears of joy holding the Word of God, the young western people are in tears if there is not enough likes on a Facebook page or TikTok. And why? Because we, adults, never showed them how real God is in our life.

Just one example. The Catholic Church is fasting on Fridays - this is a day when our Savior died on the Cross. But we changed it because it is too difficult. So, many places accepted a custom to fast on Fridays only during the Lent. Interesting. It is hard to fast, to keep ourselves away from a meat in the world full of goodies, stores with vegan food. It is not hard for suffering Church in Iraq, South Arabia, China, or Nigeria. They are missing a lot of things but it is not a problem for them to give up one more thing for God.

The Modern Church has to go back to the origins and embrace the true meaning of being the Church - the living body of Jesus Christ. We are the Church but we can only exist with Christ as a center and a source. Ay attempt to change this truth will destroy the holy call of the Church to be a visible face of God in this World.

When you will take the Bible into your hands next time, first kiss it with true love. remember, God speaks to you on its pages.

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