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The Steering Wheel and Breaks

I believe everyone has bought a car at least once. It is always very exiting and confusing. There are many manufacturers and models and the choice is very difficult. But I believe that there are two things that we specifically should pay attention to. The first one is the steering wheel and the second one are the breaks. These two elements are the key elements to move safely on the road.

The same could be said for our lives. Each one of us needs something what will give us right direction and we also need something that stops us before we end up in a disaster. So what are those elements in our life?

In our life the steering wheel is our faith. By believing in God we can find the right way to walk every day. If we allow this faith to get confused between the truth revealed to us and our personal desires that come from human weakness, then as a consequence we will lose our way. We do not see the aim of our journey, but our focus is corrupted by all the things on the side of the road. It is an even bigger tragedy if we force those small things on other people. There are many Catholics that have already compromised their faith with an evil that even while following some elements of faith they are missing others or forcing them to participate in wrongdoings.

Our breaks are our conscience. If it is formed correctly, this conscience will stop us from doing wrong, from looking at the fools' ideas and consequently it will lead us to the right goal of our life.

It is very unfortunate that our society seems to have lost both elements. We do not have good steering wheels anymore and the breaks are broken too. Our faith was so compromised by what we wanted that so many people don't know God. Instead they have their own ideas about God.

The only way to fix it is to come back to the origins. We have to learn again who God is, not what we think about him. We have to learn the Ten Commandments, not the idea about them. We have to love the symbolism and come back to the facts.

If you buy your new car and the steering wheel and breaks do not work properly, even twenty airbags will not give you a safe trip back home. So let's stop experimenting with our faith and moral law. Let's just take it as it is. Only in this way can somebody say "I am catholic" -- he or she must act as a true Catholic.

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