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  • ksmarekk

The Tallest Tower, Part 2

The Samaritan woman opens for us the understanding of how grace works in our heart. This grace takes us from mediocracy to the highest tower of deep relationship with God. In past centuries the church tower was the highest point in a town or city. It always was a sign that this is the place where you need to go. It also centralized the life of all people. This tall tower now has to be in our heart.

When you find the way to Christ at the same time you find the way to his Church. This Church is his Mystical Body. This Church has a "tall tower" visible in this world. The foundations of this tower are the sacraments, on them is built our life. Each day we have to allow the grace to work in us. Satan tells us that it is our work and we should do what we want, but the truth is that it is God working in us and we do His will.

It was Jesus Christ who converted the heart of the Samaritan woman. He worked in her, filling her heart with his presence. This Lent each one of us has to open our own heart and let Christ in. Please remember that there are no things impossible for God. Each one of us has to be a visible sign of the living Christ. We lost our towers and bells in towns in the name of progress, but spiritually it led to regress. Today we want to raise them up in our daily lives.

Fasting, prayers and almsgiving makes this blessed time our new life. So this week let's look at the one spiritual brick that we have to use to build the tallest tower.

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