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  • ksmarekk

The Word of God

In our world we hear so many words. Sometimes it is like somebody is shooting them at us. People talk a lot. At times I catch how many words I am saying. But what did I really say?

This is always something that bothers me. What is the message that we want to share so badly with others? When I was at high school - humanities class where we learned how to speak - one of the exercises was to express an idea in ten words. The reason was to learn how to use words efficiently so that the message will be sent. It was so hard. I think it took me over an hour to find the proper words and to make this one sentence make sense.

When I think about the Word of God I find it the most inspiring. It always surprises me how God uses the fewest words and the truth is there. He says: Let there be light and the light is. Whatever He says, it exists, and it is the best way possible. Even more, His only Son is the Word that was in the beginning.

Tonight I am looking at the "Logos" - The Word, that created everything. This is the Word that became man and dwelt among us. There is nothing more powerful and more loving than this Word of God. But above every word that God said is this one that has a power and authority over things visible and invisible. This is the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. In his name St. Peter healed the begging man in front of the temple. This is the Name that brings all words together.

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