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  • ksmarekk

Things change but truth is the same.

As many of you know, I do not have any parish right now and I am waiting for my new assignment as a chaplain at the Air Force. I have time now to read and look at many topics related to the the modern world.

Just recently I watched again one of the best movies ever - "1984". Gorge Orwells's masterpiece about the socialism begins with the words: "Who owns past, owns the future. Who owns present, owns the past". It gave me something to think about. Actually, it came to me with a question. Why this world wants me to forget about my past, about the past of the world?

Here is an example of what I am talking about. In 1939 two European countries decided to take over the Eastern Europe. Libbentrop - Molotov Pact, known as "Treaty of Non-Aggression between Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics", from August 23, 1939 made very clear that both countries will take over Poland. Was it the first time? No. Russia and Germany erased Poland for 123 years in 18th and 19th century until the end of the I Work War. Unfortunately nobody believed that this could happened again. Well, September 1st, 1939 Germans attacked Poland from the Wast. September 17th Russians attacked Poland from the East. The II World War began. It took six years to finish this madness of Nazi and Communist powers. After the war, Europe was divided to avoid any future conflict. Easter Europe received "a Big Brother", Soviet Union. Wester Europe built relationship with USA. This supposed to guarantee peace across the continent. Unfortunately there was no peace. Millions of people died in Siberia, many were escaping Socialistic paradise to Wester Europe, to Australia or to USA. What man made as a perfect solution, ended with suffering and tears.

Fortunately in 1990 the entire Socialistic World collapsed. Everybody believed that this political system will not happen again. Well, human memory is very short. Many European universities began to promote socialism again. The new generation of politicians embareced the idea of a paradise run by few people. The new creature called European Union was establish for the goodness of people. Hurray, we are going be strong, but not for long. Germany and France somehow believed that they should give directions to the entire continent. The same time they made business with Russian on the side. So, on one side they say all the countries that there is a law everybody should obey for the common good. On the other side they excused themselves from the this law. In mean time we had a war in Syria. So, Germany pushed an agenda to bring all refugees from Syria to Europe as long as they are not Christians. Why? Well, Germany and France wanted to erase christianity and bring liberal elements instead. This didn't work well. New emigrants do nt want to work but rather they enjoy free social services. New problem had to be solved. Germany and France wanted to send new immigrants to other countries, my they pay for the mistakes of the two.

Unfortunately the same time Russia got lost in it desire of power and attacked Georgia. Germany and France and many other countries didn't do anything about it. Some of the post-soviet nations went to Georgia to support them and it was enough to keep Georgia independent. Europe didn't learn anything from this experience. More and more countries were looking how to keep business alive. 10 years later Russian invaded Ukraine. Guess who had problem with helping Ukraine? Germany and France. They do not want to lose their business. Even today, when both of those countries claim to be the most democratic and powerful their internal situation is tragic. France is dealing with riots and devision. Germany is desperately looking how to keep people warm without Russian natural gas.

You are probably asking yourself why I am talking about it. The reason is very simple. If you want to have better future you have to know the past. But to know the truth of thel past, you have to live a responsible life in the present time. Watch what is happening now and remember it, because the history books can be destroyed and rewritten, but your memory can give wisdom to the next generation. Things change but the truth is the same. What happened in Europe happens here. You are a witness of those things. Do not forget them. If Europe would remember past we will not have war in Ukraine. If European countries would remember the history of Germany and Russia they will be in much better situation. Be wiser then they have been.

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