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  • ksmarekk

Time's Person of the Year

November 27, 2020 - Time gave three candidates for person of the year: Anthony Fauci, Andrew Cuomo, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortex. All of them were on the first pages of mainstream media. They almost saved the world.

Friday, February 12, 2021 - Andrew Cuomo avoided reports after a nursing home scandal. More then 15,000 people connected to New York nursing homes have died in the state due to the pandemic, according to the new data from the state Health Department. Cuomo has also been criticized for a directive ordering nursing homes to admit or re-admit recovering coronavirus patients discharged from hospitals during the height of the pandemic.

Wait a minute - candidate for Person of the Year did something like that? I still remember that he was a hero-- how well he organized NY to protect the people! How Trump was hopeless and didn't know what he was doing! I remember the media praising Cuomo for saving the Big Apple and how the ex-president did nothing.

And here we are, a new president and all standards have changed. Last year black was white, white was black, this year black is gray and white is silver or something like that.

So what is next? I have no doubt that in the next two years the entire Catholic Church is going be very surprised. Ultra liberal groups will take the freedom of religion away from us and mostly because "good feeling" Catholics will support them. We're facing right now a very important moment for the Church and if we do not wake up right now, the next few years are going to be very painful. You don't believe me? Check the history: Czechoslovakia 1945, Poland 1945/1947, West Germany 1945, Hungry 1945/1946. Totalitarian "truth" is very flexible and can change over night - and the Catholic Church is not safe from it.

I like the idea of Fr. Kolakovic from Czechoslovakia. He created a grassroots movement reaching out to the families and young people. The motto was: "See. Judge. Act."

See meant to be awake and see the reality of our life. Judge means to discern soberly the meaning of those realities in light of what you know to be true, especially from the teaching of the Church. Act means to bring to life the conclusion that came from your judgment.

A very similar idea came from Fr. Blachnicki from Poland, who initiated and lead for a while a family and Church oriented movement called Oasis.

I think our Church in the USA has to learn from the past and begin to act wisely. We can build new churches, parish halls, etc., but we need people that will come to be there. So, let's go back to what is the foundation of the Church and start again now, because tomorrow could be too late. We need a new model for Person of the Year. This new model can come only if we will bring a new generation of mature, responsible people. See, judge and act.

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