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  • ksmarekk

Too Busy

I believe this is the biggest problem of our society. We are too busy. Everybody is involved in something important. We have task after task, goal after goal. Our entire life is measured every single day. There is the measure of performance, the measure of skills, the measure of communication, etc.

I remember when computers came to the office. We had to have them to be faster and to save trees in Brazil because most of the work could be done paperlessly. After so many years I do not see any difference. We still have a ton of papers and a lot of work. We didn't save any time and the only thing that is really improved is the ability to track our moves. I know that actually we can do more, we are more efficient but it seems that the price we pay is not even close to equal with the benefits.

Computers and mobile devices helped us to communicate but stopped us from talking to each other. We can see each other on the phone screen but we do not have to go and see other people because there is no time for it. So, what really happened to us?

A few years ago I heard a very good explanation of what BUSY means: Be Under Satan's Yoke. It is him that makes us busy. I am lucky living in Woodland Park where I still can see people going for a walk, stopping by and chatting on the street, smiling and looking at each other. But how long will they will be able to do so, to keep their time, to see the other person?

Last Sunday my high school class lost our first colleague. He had a heart attack. I had a chat with some of my classmates. We all agreed that we are in a trap and it is time to get out from it. Life is too short to spend it being busy. It is better to have time for each other. It is better to slow down to have time for God.

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