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  • ksmarekk

Unjust Social Justice

I know that this title "unjust social justice" is confusing, but I will try to explain to you what I mean by saying that. I will use an example from my own country.

Since the end of the World War II, Poland was under Communism, a free gift from the Soviet Union. Until 1989, we could indulge in the beauty of that human paradise. Of course the entire soviet system was created to bring justice and equality to all people because as all of us know, we want to be exactly the same. There was even a saying that it doesn't matter if you are standing or lying during your work time, you deserve to be paid because you showed up at your work place. Of course this idea had a very painful side effect. The entire country ended up with huge debt that has to be paid by the next generations.

After our first free election things changed, but for some reason some of the post-communism ideas stayed. One of them was to give people more for nothing. There was a belief that they deserved to get support and, honestly, there is nothing wrong with it - we have to help people in need. But unfortunately, this social support caused another problem. People stopped working because why should they get up at 5:00am and go to work if they can get everything for free. It was some kind of paradox. Factories couldn't find people to work and at the same time the unemployment numbers were scary high. I believe I don't have to give you an answer why it happened. Later on, when I was traveling I saw similar situations in different countries. Of course all this "help" was given in the name of social justice.

I see a similar situation right now in the USA. Everybody wants things for free, but for some reason this free stuff has to come out of other peoples' pockets. It is very interesting to me that we want to cancel the student loan and of course somebody will have to pay it so it will be me and you. But why are the universities so expensive? They have huge multi-billion dollar endowments, they have faculties that it is hard to call them a real faculty. I believe the universities should be the first to pay off this student loan debt. Actually it is because of them that we have right now this unbelievable mess in our society. You probably see already how high the price of gasoline is. Our taxes will go higher, probably our churches will lose their tax exempt status. And all of this will be in the name of social justice.

It is unfortunate that justice became so unjust. We are in a time when a working person is banished because he or she is working, it means independent. Hardworking class seems to be a class of idiots that don't know how to play the system. Honesty is punished by extra payments and obstacles. It is for me like déjà vu. I have seen this already.

So we have to be ready to experience what the social justice means when it is controlled by those with power. In a few years the definition of justice will be changed. Justice doesn't mean the same for everybody. Justice means to get what is just for you according to your effort.

In ancient Greece, justice was presented as a blind person, not paying attention to anything else but facts. In our time justice is a person with wide open eyes checking everything else but facts.

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