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  • ksmarekk

Walking With God

We have so many people that call themselves "spiritual." They follow a quiet life, very relaxing music, they interact with nature. They are just so "spiritual." I always see a distinction between being a spiritual person and being with God. What I will be talking about is not about how to become a spiritual person. I rather will talk about how to walk together with God.

If you are a parent and you have a small child then you know that walking with a three-year-old boy or girl is a challenge. They are looking all over the place, they do not pay attention to where they are going, and they can fall at any time. So practically it looks like a parent is pulling the child and trying to move him or her in the right direction.

Our relationship with God is similar. We want to walk with him, but then there are temptations all around and we are straining to see different things that are not related to Him. We want to get to heaven, but very often we get distracted by events in our life and we lose our sense of direction. Satan always brings something that looks attractive or interesting and we are tempted to go and discover it. The results are always the same: we were misguided and now we have to come back to our Father. God has to pull us in the right direction again.

On our way of repentance, we have to be less resisting to this will of God. We have to be aware that there are many things trying disrupt us from being with God. It could be a person, an internal desire, a wrong book or movie. When we hold the hand of God we have to trust him, trust his decisions. St. Paul said today in the second reading, that "If God is for us, who can be against us?" When you come back to God, it is not only about forgiveness. You have to learn again how to be for Him and with Him.

So, do not look around for earthly excitements. Take the hand of God and walk with Him.

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