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We Must be Saints of Our Time

Big news from today. The tomb of Carlo Acutis was opened this morning in Assisi after the Holy Mass officiated by the Bishop of the Diocese. The body of Carlo Acutis was found intact and incorruptible after 10 years of burial and has been put on public display for the glory of God.

Who is he? An Eliglish-born Italian Catholic youth and amateur computer programmer, who is best known for documenting Eucharistic miracles around the world and cataloguing them onto a website,, which he created before his death from leukemia.

His passion was to present to people the Eucharistic Miracles happening around the world. He developed a website presenting the beauty and power of the Eucharist.

This extraordinary news from today brings to me something that we should embrace in our daily life. Each one of us is called to be a saint. Maybe it sounds to you like boring work, but it is actually the opposite. Working on being a saint is fascinating. It makes small things a gigantic achievement. It turns life from the "rat race" into a wonderful journey with Jesus Christ. Instead of chasing demons and evil people, it helps to show how beautiful our life is if it is done together with God.

Do you remember a few months ago when I wrote about my experience saying prayers with a friend of mine during a night when we were staying in a tent surrounded by snow? Reaching the summit is great joy, but simple prayers at the foot of this summit will take you above the summit. Being a saint is not about reaching the summit. It is about going above it and it can only happen with the power of God. We have to teach our brothers and sisters and show them a new way of life.

There is no age limitation to be a saint. Actually the best thing would be to start now. This world will pass sooner or later, but being a saint is everlasting. So let us be saints of our time.

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