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  • ksmarekk

What happened to us?

For the last few years I've heard from many places how high developed we are. The technology made us such sophisticated creatures that we should be so proud. Everybody is so great and fantastic and special, etc. So I decided to look at our progress from a little bit of a different perspective.

It is true. We have high technology but it is not who we are. We have bigger cars, faster internet, online connections but this is not who we are. I am looking back at the ancient Greeks when the philosophical foundations of western civilization were built, and I have the impression that we didn't move forward at all. We have the same struggles, the same questions, the same doubts. Sophocles in Antigone is asking the same question that we have now: should I follow what is morally right to do or rather do what the king is asking us to do. I really encourage you to read this ancient drama.

In ancient Athens philosophers used to meet at Agora to discuss and debate problems and questions. It is from that time that we have one of the most important philosophical foundations. After 2500 years we do not know how to debate and share our thoughts.

I think about St. Paul criticizing early Church communities and encouraging them to follow Christ. He is harsh and strong but at the same time he is honest and loving. In our time we cannot criticize anybody because we have to tolerate wrongdoings.

I can go on and on about what we've lost in the last few thousand years. Can we bring it back? Can we again look at the values that will make us stronger, wiser? I believe we can but we have to reach to the treasures of the past and appreciate them. We have to go back to St. Augustine, Tertullian, Chrysostom, and others. We have to discover again Sophocles, Aristotle, Plato, Homer, Socrates, and others.

I believe we are not any better than we were 3000 years ago. We are the same but we fool ourselves that the past doesn't apply to us. Wisdom doesn't change and it is not really based on how much information we have. It is a gift that comes from God and is present in all generations.

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