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  • ksmarekk

What Happens During the Holy Mass?

I shared this video with my parishioners a few months ago via parish email. I would like to share it again:

When I look at my life, my parish life, our diocese life and the world life I think everything comes together in this very moment. Joy and tears, happiness and sadness, successes and failures, Heaven and earth come together in this one moment to celebrate the one and perfect sacrifice.

This world cannot exist without this Love of God. If our families would understand that only with Jesus Christ really present on the altar can they show true love, then our next generation would be the most holy generation ever. All the powers of hell are so afraid to see us together with the Angels praising God - Jesus, who is the way, the love and the truth.

I have the privilege to touch the real body of God, to hold Him in my weak and sinful hands and I can only do so because He loves me to the end, that everything that is not perfect he filled with himself. At the same time He reaches every person with a clean heart to receive Him. Do you understand what He does for you during the Most Holy Mass?

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