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  • ksmarekk

What is behind?

As we move forward it is a good time to ask what is going on behind the scenes. It is like an invisible background. Any conflict within the country helps to move forward some very dangerous agendas that would never pass in the full light of our attention. Just a few days ago I watched on Amazon Prime a movie called "Silent Conquest." It presents a new problem that probably 99% of our society doesn't have any idea about.

For the last few years we are fighting a war around free speech. Our young generation is so convinced that hate speech is the biggest problem and we should control what is said. What they do not realize is that they are manipulated by a much bigger group that is only looking to find faithful naive fighters who before finding the truth will do the job that has to be done.

I will not tell you what this movie is about. You have to watch it and have open eyes to see what is going on.

Today I do not think that our last election was about the winning of socialism. I am afraid that there is a much bigger problem that slowly day by day will be revealed to us. To give you a bigger picture I am today giving some documentary movies recommendations:

- American Experience: The Eugenics Crusade

- Can We Take a Joke?

- No Safe Space.

- The Fight of Our Lives - Defeating the ideological war against the west.

I think the thoughts presented in those movies will help you better understand where we are, where Christianity is. We cannot say that nobody ever warned us. We have to know what is coming.

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