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  • ksmarekk

What is next?

"Seek after integrity and holiness, faith and love, patience and gentleness... These are the things you must command and teach; be an example to all who believe." (1 Timothy 6:11;4:11)

I think this is the answer to my question. We can worry about so many things but without a spiritual life reflected in our daily action, those worries will lead us nowhere. We lost a lot of opportunities but at the same time we are getting new. It is impossible to turn time backwards but we can move forward. Each one of us should find our own way to achieve integrity and holiness.

These are very important elements leading us through a difficult time. Unfortunately, in our state gray wolves are more important than unborn children. But should it be a surprise? This last summer I had a chance to hike in some of the trails around Woodland Park. I met a lot of couples with dogs but not many with children. It didn't come to me at that time, that young people treat animals as their children. They have more respect for the wild life than for another person. I, of course, generalize right now.

I also did today some reflection about the past. I asked myself why in the late 80's last century Poland was able to reject socialism and now a new generation is approaching it again. I think 40 years ago people had internal integrity and holiness. They knew the difference between good and evil, right and wrong. They were not afraid to say "no" to those that were forcing a lie. Today, many people do not have integrity. They do what is most accepted in their small ring of colleges. They change their opinion anytime it is convenient. This is not their fault. They don't know any better. Growing up in relativism they never were exposed to the objective truth.

We must teach integrity and holiness in our families, parishes, small groups. All kingdoms of this world will collapse sooner or later. The only thing evil cannot win over is the Church of Jesus Christ. So do not get discouraged. There is plenty of work we have to do. God is with us.

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