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  • ksmarekk

Where Are You Going?

For the last seven days I had a hard time posting anything because of limited internet access. At the same time I had a great opportunity to see the world with its brightness and darkness. Every trip is an opportunity for me to see where we are going as people. What struck me the most was the fact that it is so easy to see the noisy world with its emptiness and at the same time it is hard to notice all the good things happening around us.

I think on our journey through Lent it is time to look for the presence of God in our world. This is a very important part of our relationship with Him. Satan always does everything to discourage us from believing that we can get better. I will give you an example. One evening while having dinner I was watching young people on the street in Wynwood. I noticed that many young girls were exposing their body trying to get the attention of men. This was so sad to watch - especially when right now we talk about dignity and respect for women. But the next day during the Sunday Mass I saw many young girls dressed very modestly and deep in prayers. Yes, the dark world is very loud, but it is the holiness of a few that brings the light.

There is one thing that all of us have to do. We have to take this holiness and bring it to this world. I am not talking about accepting sin. My point is that we have to save people from the sin by sharing with them the truth of Jesus Christ. We cannot be afraid to talk about God in public places. Even a simple sign of the Cross and prayer before a meal in the restaurant is a sign of this light.

We come closer to the Holy Triduum. Before we will walk with Jesus Christ from the Last Super to Golgotha we have to make this mystery alive in us. I encourage each one of you to find good things that reflect the love of God and bring them to this world, to your families and friends. Let's shine brightly in this world, because our Savior is with us. This is our way and this is where we going -- we want to die and rise with Jesus Christ.

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