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  • ksmarekk

Why Didn't Anybody Ever Tell Me This?

Surprisingly this is a question that I am asked every so often by young people looking for spiritual help. It always sounds like a complaint about the past and the people that are supposed to be leading them. I'm getting more and more convinced that whatever we offer our young generation is not really what they are looking for. This complaint doesn't go for the parents or schools only. It is even more directed to the Church.

For many years there was an opinion that the Church should provide fun and happiness. Holy Mass should be joyful with some pop music. The homily should cheer the people up and make them feel good about themselves. It was supposed to be a solution to keep people in the Church. As we know from the reality we now face, this entire concept didn't work. It caused very bad teaching about dogmatic and moral issues. We even gave up respect for the Mass just to be sure that the seats would be busy. We lost a veneration and respect for the Eucharist. People do not know how to pray and forgot what the Commandments are about.

This is the Church that was offered to young people. It became like any other institution or activity we are involved in as children but later on there is nothing more. It is interesting that in the last few years our traditional communities are growing mostly because of young people. I personally know so many early 20's young men and women that are starving for beauty and depth of the Liturgy and faith. Apparently faith in pop version is not for them. I am not surprised that it is the young generation reaching for the Latin Mass, good confession, solid faith formation. All those elements never were offered to them when they were young.

There is one more thing that is going to change all of us soon. Young people are looking for spiritual directions. They don't want the easy way anymore. I believe the time is coming that the Church will rise like a new born by the blood and spirit of our young adults. So let's close the door of faith in a pop style. Let's take the truth living in the Church for the last 2000 years. Let's learn what our faith is really about. There is no salvation outside of the Church. Extra Ecclesiam null salus.

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