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  • ksmarekk


Recent times have caused a lot of emotional reactions. Sometimes they are needed, but they cannot be directing our actions. We have a new president, but this will not solve our problems.

For the last few weeks I have been looking and analyzing what happened and why people shifted so much into a liberal "freedom."

First of all this move happened very quietly. Nobody was shouting about it. I can say more, the shouting was very often about something different, something that was kind of artificially on the top of the social discussion. I remember from Poland that every time some difficult problems were supposed to be solved, all liberal media would talk about abortion. We spent so much time on climate change and we didn't pay attention that at the same time colleges were teaching about the systematic racism or white privilege.

I believe we have to be very wise in these times. Our emotional reactions are important, but at the same time we have to remember that our strength grows very slowly on the bottom of our communities. When people worry about security and freedom in the country, socialists got to the colleges creating new generations of their followers. When parents were so busy with work and extra activities for their children, the education system took over their children already implanting in them liberal ideas.

It is time to look at ourselves and ask what we can do about it. If I can give some advice, I would begin with some very basic work. Probably my experience from the communism time in Poland can help.

First of all, we have to make strong families again. We have to teach children how to build strong families, how to be good wives or husbands. It doesn't matter what the world is doing; we know that truth and we have to bring it in. Family is the basis of everything in our lives. We have to stop the pornography that is destroying the lives of so many people. We have to teach the respect of other people's work.

The second element is faith. We need to teach children how to believe. I am not talking about a sweet cartoon Jesus, but about a very responsible relationship with the true God. Moral law coming from our Creator is the best guide through life.

We have to be clever in this world. Not everything that shines is gold. Not every nice person is our friend. Not everyone saying: "Lord, Lord" will enter the Kingdom of God. Sometimes I think we got so blinded by meaningless being nice that we compromised our beliefs and values.

We have to go back and learn again that our words have to be "yes, yes" and "no, no." Everything else comes from the evil one. This is the beauty of the truth: it is painful only once, at the beginning, but then it makes everything easier. I have seen so many parents that are not afraid to say "no" to their children and help them to learn that we cannot have everything. It is the work of all of us to support good parenting. Let's leave the political work for those who know how to do it. Our job is here and now. Let's talk about the true history of the USA, about the meaning of the Constitution. Let's make our boys true men and our girls true women. Let's make the church a place of prayers and town squares a place of public life. In God we trust.

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