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  • ksmarekk

Worldwide problem

Another shocking announcement came to Poland this morning. The Tribunal of European Union decided that it is legal to stop founds for Poland and Hungary, if they will not follow the European regulations. Here is the catch. Both countries want to protect their children from the influence of pornography and LGTB. Both countries want to keep the importance of a traditional family and marriage. Unfortunately this is not the agenda of the European Union. So, because the EU couldn't force this by the law, they decided to cut the founds that legally belong to Poland and Hungary. Here we go. If you will not follow the liberal agenda, your founds will be taken away from you. Again we can see how liberal democracy works. It is our way or the highway.

What we can see in USA is not separated from the other crazy stuff going on around the world. The head of the UN health department is mad at African countries because they have three times fewer sick from COVID than the UN wanted them to have. How did those people from Africa dare to be stronger than the UN told them?

By the way Germans are really freaking out because the entire business around North Stream 2 seems to be a little bit against them. The big money that would be controlled by them can go somewhere else. Algeria is ready to sell their gas for half price to Europe. Wow, big money can go to a poor country.

So as you can see I am having a very interesting time in Poland. The news from the world is different than in the USA. It is good to see everything from a different perspective.

In the meantime we are getting ready for a huge wind coming from the north called Dayton. It should be interesting night.

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