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Is justice for all?

Today I am asking myself a very important question. Is justice for everybody? As we know Kyle Rittenhouse is free and not guilty. Praise...

Domestic Terrorist

Apparently the number of "domestic terrorists" is growing dramatically. So who gets this label? Wanting to control what your children are...

Veteran's Day With a Shopping Basket

I am sure that by now there is not one person that hasn't been a little shocked to reach the cashier at the grocery store and hear the...

Guilty or not

It was a very intense day. I tried to follow the trial of the young man Kyle Rittenhouse accused of murdering three people in Kenosha,...


In last two weeks I have received a lot of calls from many people asking my opinion about our "best catholic ever" - Joe Biden. Well,...

We Must be Saints of Our Time

Big news from today. The tomb of Carlo Acutis was opened this morning in Assisi after the Holy Mass officiated by the Bishop of the...

Wolves in Sheepskin

Just yesterday I talked about a new god from New York - Gov. Hochul - because of love you have to take a vaccine. Well, this new god has...

The upside down world of ours

As we all know, the Bible is not separated from the reality of life. Actually, it is the best "guide book" we have. So let's look at the...

Quit Your School

I've been quiet for sometime now because so many things are happening and being in my construction chaos had made it hard to focus. But...

Silence of the Mountains

Our world is so loud. Many different sounds bombard our ears and take peace away from our souls. So we should not be surprised that...

Big Brother

It was a long time ago that the first episodes of "Big Brother" gathered entire families in front of the TV. This reality show elicited...

Should We Be Surprised?

I believe everyone has heard at least once that ignorance is bliss because if you do not know you do not have to worry. I would say that...

Animal Farm

I think we should go back to this book and look at it again. After a few years of making everybody equal we get to the point that this...

Catching Up

It's been a long time since I wrote something. Unfortunately, there are many things going on right now between remodeling the rectory and...

Wolves in Sheep's Skin

Here's some slightly shocking news. Lockheed Martin trained top Employees to recognize "White Male Privilege." Here are some of the...

It's Happening Already

In the name of the Father

I do not know how many of you remember a movie called "In the name of the Father." It was about a father and a son who got arrested in UK...


We all know that one of the most needed elements in our life is safety. We do so many things just to be in a place where everything is...

Father's Presence

I frequently look at the Old Testament and question why God didn't talk much to Israel, but rather sent prophets, judges, kings, and...

Father's Love

We grew up with an image of love mostly created by our mothers not realizing that we actually learn more about love from our fathers. It...

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